

Each key learning area taught at Sacred Heart is drawn directly from the Australian Curriculum. Likewise, when it comes to reporting to families on the progress of their children, we report against the standard of achievement required of each child at each year level of schooling- otherwise known as the ‘Achievement Standard.’

In catering for each child, our expert teachers meet the children where they are socially and academically. For all children to experience growth and success, teachers cater for an array of student learning levels in each class by diagnosing current levels of achievement, before applying interventions to progress them to their next step in learning.

Key to the progress of all learners is the engagement of their families in the learning process. At Sacred Heart, we value positive partnerships with families. We encourage parents/carers to attend meetings with teachers and to ask questions regarding their child’s progress. Positive and productive communication is key to this relationship and all families are encouraged to keep in touch with their child’ progress.

We have exceptionally caring and dedicated teachers. The children feel comfortable, they feel at home and happy. As a school community they feel really supported.’ (Parent)